The Four Agreements
Don Miguel Ruiz
The book advocates personal freedom from beliefs and agreements that we have made with ourselves and others that are creating limitation and unhappiness in our lives. It was featured on the Oprah television show. The Four Agreements are:
Be impeccable with your word.
Don't take anything personally.
Don't make assumptions.
Always do your best.
E- Squared
Pam Grout
E-Squared could best be described as a lab manual with simple experiments to prove once and for all that reality is malleable, that consciousness trumps matter, and that you shape your life with your mind. Rather than take it on faith, you are invited to conduct nine 48-hour experiments to prove there really is a positive, loving, totally hip force in the universe. Yes, you read that right. It says prove.
The School of Greatness
Lewis Howes
Throughout this book Howes shares the tips and habits he learned while interviewing guests on his popular podcast of the same name. He states that greatness is discovered and cultivated from within oneself. The masters of greatness are not successful because they are more fortunate or talented, but because they applied specific disciplines and tools in their lives.
Verbal Judo
George J. Thompson
Verbal Judo is the martial art of the mind and mouth that can show you how to be better prepared in every verbal encounter. Listen and speak more effectively, engage people through empathy (the most powerful word in the English language), avoid the most common conversational disasters, and use proven strategies that allow you to successfully communicate your point of view and take the upper hand in most disputes.